Lot Size
Home Size1,988 sqft
Beds4 Beds
Baths3 Baths
Year Built1978
Days on Market4
Top 5 Remodeling Projects on Homes for Sale in Encinitas
- Real Estate Tips
- 5 remodeling projects, encinitas realtor, homes for sale in encinitas, top 5 remodeling projects
- February 21, 2013
One of the biggest concerns about remodeling projects on homes for sale in Encinitas is if they will result in returns on the investment. These 5 remodeling projects on homes for sale in Encinitas will give you the best returns while helping you to sell your home. [1]
Top 5 Remodeling Projects
- Replace Your Entry Door with a Steel Door – Replacing your entry door with fiberglass will yield a return on invest of 65.9%, but an entry door replaced with steel will cost you about $1,137 on average and has a resale value of $974, giving you recouped costs of 85.6%.
- Adding a Wood Deck – A deck addition made of composite will cost you $15,084 and has a resale value of $10,184, giving you a return on investment of 67.5%. A deck addition of wood, will raise your return on investment by about 10% over composite and will cost you almost $6,000 less.
- Replace Your Garage Door – A garage door replacement will cost you about $1,500 on average and will result in in a return of 75.7%.
- Minor Kitchen Remodel – A major kitchen remodel can interrupt your life for quite some time and cost upwards of $50,000. While the return on a major kitchen remodel is still good (roughly 68.9%) figuring out what really needs to change and accomplishing those goals with a minor kitchen remodel will result in a better return (75.4%) and cost tens of thousands less than a major remodel.
- Replacing Windows – Whether you choose to replace your windows with wood or vinyl, the return on investment is 73.3% and 71.2% respectively, with the average job cost between $9,800 and $10,700.
If you are looking for more resources for remodeling, a new tool for remodeling projects is now available.
For all the resources you need to help you buy and sell a home in Encinitas visit my Encinitas Realtor homepage. With over 20 years of experience with real estate in Encinitas I can help you find or sell a home and provide you with everything from helpful tips to market data.
By Linda Moore
[1] http://www.remodeling.hw.net/2013/costvsvalue/national.aspx