Lot Size
Home Size2,358 sqft
Beds4 Beds
Baths3 Baths
Year Built1990
Days on Market42
Buying a House is Like Planning a Wedding
- Linda Moore
- November 4, 2016
Happy Friday everybody! I found a hilarious article about how planning a wedding is like buying a house. You must read this: http://lightersideofrealestate.com/real-estate-life/why-buying-house-is-like-planning-a-wedding
Here are some of the crazy comparisons they make:
Bride = Buyer
Groom = Moving Company
Mother of the Bride = Home Inspector
Minister = Insurance Agent
Bridesmaids = Buyer’s Agent
Best Man = Listing Agent
Father of the Bride = Loan Officer
Wedding Planner = Title Agent/Closing Attorney
Flower Girl = Appraiser
Engagement = Due Diligence
Go to the article and read the descriptions and now tell me isn’t that hilarious?!