Lot Size
Home Size1,988 sqft
Beds4 Beds
Baths3 Baths
Year Built1978
Days on Market4
Encinitas Enters Water Conservation Challenge
- Neighborhoods and News
- conserve water, encinitas, Encinitas Homes, national mayor's challenge for water conservation, water conservation challenge
- April 9, 2013
The city of Encinitas has entered into the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation during Earth Month. Find out what you can do to help Encinitas win.
From April 1st to April 30th, residents of Encinitas are encouraged to conserve water, reduce pollution, and save energy throughout the month in order to win several thousands of dollars of prizes for their community.
In a partnership between the Wyland Foundation, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, National League of Cities, Lowe’s Home Improvement stores, the U.S. Forest Service, and many more prizes such as water saving fixtures, gift cards to Lowe’s, and a Toyota Prius are being offered to the winning city in specific population categories.
The Encinitas City Council has entered the city into the 30,000 to 99,999 population category and it is currently ranked in fifth place. How can you as a resident of Encinitas help your city to win this challenge? Here are a few tips from the EPA WaterSense program:
- Use WaterSense Approved Products – American Standard and Aqua Source are just a few of the brand names that provide models that meet WaterSense standards. If you are remodeling the bathroom or kitchen on your Encinitas home you can conduct a product search to find fixtures labeled by WaterSense.
- Simple Solutions – The average US household wastes 11,000 gallons of water each year due to household leaks, so checking your home for leaks is a huge way to help conserve water. In the bathroom you can limit water usage by turning off your tap while shaving or brushing your teeth and showering instead of taking baths. In the kitchen you can help conserve water by keeping a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running water until it cools and make sure that when you use your dishwasher you fully load it. You can learn more at the EPA Start Saving website.
Help Encinitas win the National Water Conservation Challenge by following these tips.