Are you thinking of moving sometime soon? If you are, one of your primary concerns may be about the neighborhood you are moving into. What is the neighborhood like? It can be tough to choose the right neighborhood if you do not know your needs and the right questions to ask yourself. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the right questions, so you can access and find the best neighborhood for your price point and needs!
Consider These Questions When Choosing the Right Neighborhood
Before moving, you will likely need to choose a Realtor or agent that knows the area well. This can help you get closer to finding the right neighborhood to move to, but some of these questions can’t be answered by your agent- they are personal to you! Take a look at some of the questions you should ask yourself before moving into a neighborhood:
What Kind of Demographic Lives Here?
Are you looking to be around fellow young couples? Older couples? Single people? Typically, families stick together- it is easier to make friends in a new neighborhood if you have things in common and the individuals are your age! If that is something that is important to you, keep this in mind during your search.
What Buildings are Nearby?
While this may not seem like a big deal, the buildings around your neighborhood matter. Your property value may reflect the type of buildings and businesses that exist in your neighborhood. Is there a bank nearby? What about a school? Is there a cemetery? You may not want to live next to a cemetery!
Is There a Lot of Crime?
This may seem obvious, but this is an important question to ask! You can look up the crime statistics in your neighborhood online to keep yourself informed before you decide to purchase a home. You do not want to move into a neighborhood where crime and arrests are prevalent- it can bring down the value of your home. Not to mention, it is not safe to live there! Before visiting any listings, keep this issue in mind- let your agent know it is a priority to move into a safe neighborhood!
Discuss Your Needs with Your Realtor
Your Realtor or agent should be your #1 advocate! But they can only be that if you are communicating your needs with them. Let them know what type of neighborhood you want to move into and your needs. Do you need to be in a certain area to commute? What types of stores do you want to have close by? Make sure you find a home that crosses off all items on your needs and wants list!