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Home Size2,358 sqft
Beds4 Beds
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Year Built1990
Days on Market43
Separate Pet Insurance for Renters in San Marcos
- Real Estate Tips
- liability for dog bites, Linda Moore, personal liability expenses, pet insurance, renting in San Marcos, San Marcos rentals
- February 24, 2014
When you’re moving into a rental home in San Marcos, you may have your best little buddy making the change with you. With a dog or cat, before you even move into your rented home, you have to make sure that the landlord accepts pets.
If they do, you may have to pay an extra fee for deposit, especially if the dog is large. You may also have to display to the landlord that your best friend is tamed.
According to an article in realtor.com, some of the questions that may be asked is what do you do if your dog bites someone and are you out of luck with special insurance?
The rental insurance that you get for your home in San Marcos typically covers damages like fire or wind, theft, displaced living expenses and personal liability expenses produced by carelessness or accidental injury. Bites by dogs or cats normally are a part of the personal liability insurance, but depending on the dog you own, where your residence is located and who the insurer is, you may need additional coverage.
When you sign up for the terms of your insurance, the paper work will ask the question of if you own your pet, what breed is it and have there been any bites.
“Some municipalities may even have certain insurance requirements for specific breeds,” says Chrissy Nigro of Nigro Insurance to realtor.com
Breeds Apart
“(Liability for a dog bite) might be covered under a standard renter’s insurance policy, but some insurance companies might require the purchase of additional coverage,” Nigro said.
Certain insurance policies won’t take dog breeds that are considered aggressive, like if you have a Rottweiler that is trained, but is extremely affectionate. Besides Rottweilers, this list includes pitbulls, Staffordshire terriers, Dobermans, German shepherds, akitas, chow chows, Presa Canarios, wolf hybrids or any other mix.
“Not all insurance companies ban these types of dogs, but it is up to the individual insurance agency to decide,” Nigro said.
The insurance may have you shopping around depending on the dog breed you have. Multiple dog ownership may cause the rates to be larger.
Some landlords may have to have proof of you signing up for renters insurance before they sign the lease over to you. These landlords may say it’s a necessity due to dog bites, dogs that chew on sides of doors or even breaking the window blinds.