Top 5 Colleges in Southern California

Are you looking to move to Southern California? If you have kids that are nearing the college age, you may be curious about the college situation. Typically, most parents want their children to go to school nearby. If that is the case, then you need to learn more about your child’s opportunities to pursue higher education. Fortunately, there are many prestigious universities and colleges in Southern California! 

The Top 5 Colleges and Universities in Southern California

Curious about the top colleges and universities in Southern California? If you are like most parents that are looking to move in Southern California, you check out all the aspects that come with your home. In this real estate market in California, not only do you consider the neighborhood and the commute, but you check out the college situation as well.

Whether your child needs a college that has beautiful scenery or an environment to succeed in academic research, you can find a place to pursue higher education that fits your needs. 

Here are the top 5 universities and colleges in Southern California to consider: 

  1.  Stanford University: This prestigious university is located in Southern California, in the “heart” of Silicon Valley. This is one of the most selective schools in the country, and is known for producing graduates with academic prowess.
  2. University of California, Berkeley: This is another high ranking school in Southern California. Like Stanford, the acceptance rate is low- only 10-20% of applicants are accepted. This school is known for  its many facilities for research, as well as a beautiful campus.
  3. California Institute of Technology: This college is located in the small city of Pasadena! If your child is looking for a science or engineering degree, this school is your best bet. 
  4. University of California, Los Angeles: This is another campus of the University of California! Like UCB, the acceptance rate is under 21% for applicants, making this academic institution very selective and prestigious. However, the experience at this campus is exclusive! 
  5. Pepperdine University: This private institution is located in the heart of Malibu in Southern California! There is another branch campus in Los Angeles as well.  In contrast to other universities, the acceptance rate is 30-40%. While this institution is highly selective, there is a little more room for acceptance than other options. 

Move to Southern California

Are you looking to move to Southern California? Whether you are buying or selling, you have a trusted Realtor you can count on! Call Linda Moore today to learn more about the market and your options. 

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