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Unplugging: Family Bonding Time
- Neighborhoods and News
- August 2, 2017
In world reliant on technology, we tend to get caught up in our screens and less on the people surrounding us. We don’t mean to, and it doesn’t mean we care less, but kids don’t know that as they develop. Below are some of the many ways we can unplug ourselves and our kids to create a family bonding time.
Time Out
When it’s time for family time, designate a spot for everyone to put their electric devices. Phones, laptops, tablets – the whole works! That way, when people sneak off to use the bathroom or “find a blanket”, they’re not actually sneaking off for tech time.
Bath Bonding
This is easier if you have younger kids. Bath time doesn’t have to be a chore, but instead make it a fun event for the kids. Maybe tell them they can bring some toys and you guys can play, or get fun bath bubbles that change color and have a spa.
Family Cooking Show
Pick a night every week that you make dinner a group event. Have them cook with you and help you out, or pick finger foods that are easy for them to make. Personal pizzas are always fun for the kids and easy to stick in the oven.
Dinner Time
Overall, dinner time can be a great time to talk with everyone and see how their days went. Even if you order take-out, sitting and eating forces you to look at one another. Maybe even make a “no-phone” rule at the table to keep unnecessary distractions away.
Create an interactive story time. You and your spouse can act out a story, and then the children get a chance. Instead of sitting and reading a book, it allows everyone to talk and plan with one another and see their parents interacting.
Weather Permitting
As long as the weather is nice, enjoy time outside together. After being cooped up in an office all day or a school, this allows everyone to take a breath of fresh air with one another. You could play a game or even have a picnic.
Family Meetings
We tend to make family meetings for problems or emergencies. Try to change it up and include good family meetings. Talk about the week and how it went for anyone, if a kid received a good grade or sport award. It can help with family structure and bonding.
For more family tech-free ideas, visit: http://www.hgtv.com/design/decorating/clean-and-organize/ways-to-unplug-and-connect-with-family-pictures