Lot Size
Home Size1,988 sqft
Beds4 Beds
Baths3 Baths
Year Built1978
Days on Market4
What’s In Vogue in Encinitas Homes 2013
- Real Estate Tips
- Encinitas Homes, home for sale in Encinitas 2013, homes for sale in encinitas, housing trends in Encinitas, Linda Moore
- January 14, 2013
Features and amenities come in and out of vogue for Encinitas homes, which in turn changes what you may want to add, highlight, or remove from your home for sale in Encinitas. So, what will people be looking for in homes for sale in Encinitas in 2013?
- Flexible Home Space – This means that rooms throughout the house are capable of serving several possible purposes. For example, if you use one of your rooms as an office this means it could also serve a future homeowner as a guest room or nursery. This means avoiding furnishings and remodels that are directed to making a room function for a sole purpose.
- Make Half-Baths Whole – If you are going to be doing any remodeling one of the best ways to make your home more valuable is by making the half-bath a full bath.
- Accessibility – Today’s buyers are looking for a home that they can purchase and stay in as a permanent residency, beyond the five to ten-year time frame of the past. For this reason they want their homes to have easy accessibility for when they get older, with many looking for one-level or main-level plans with wide hallways, easy access to the inside and outside, and open baths.
- Big Garages – Statistics show that many buyers are looking for larger garages not just to store more vehicles, but to use as a workout space, for storage, or as a workspace.
For more information you can visit this article from Inman News.
When selling your house in Encinitas, consider these trends so that you can make your home as appealing to buyers as possible.
By Linda Moore